Introduction Post

 Hello, my name is Daphne. My major is in Biology and my goal is to be a physician's assistant. The best class I took last semester was Introduction to Personality. It was fun to learn about personality theories and how each of the psychologists we studied differed from each other. I would say that an accomplishment for me and probably some others was pushing through such a stressful year. 

I am a huge fan of horror movies and anime. I enjoy reading for fun when I have the time. Some of my favorite authors are Stephen King and Ernest Gaines. I can't say what the best book I have read is. There are many that I would say are my favorites from different genres.  

I will listen to  just about any kind of music but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be classic soul and R&B. If you put my music player on shuffle, you might get a little bit of everything. 

I don't have any hobbies but hopefully I will find some when I have the time. I have always wanted to try knitting and want to start painting again. 

It may sound boring but one of my favorite things to eat is potatoes. I also love Caribbean food. My dad is from the Bahamas, so I grew up eating a lot of it. I can't stand baby corn and am not a fan of black coffee. When I have free time, I bake. Baking is fun and relaxing to me. My favorite things to bake are cakes and breads. I have perfected my pie crust so, pies might become a favorite soon.

I have a Labrador named Morty. He is almost three years old and is the sweetest thing. He is also ornery and will back talk you. Here is a picture of him. Go ahead and give that nose a boop!


  1. Howdy Daphne! First of all, I want to say I love your dog, he has very kind eyes. Secondly, baking definitely counts as a hobby (or at least I hope it does, I always list it as one of mine). I'm personally a lot better with cookies and cobblers than breads and cakes (and I can't even bring myself to attempt making a pie), but I do have a very good banana bread recipe I can share if you want. Last but not least, while I have a pretty all over the place taste in music, I also enjoy some classic soul. I'm a particularly big fan of Stevie Wonder, Curtis Mayfield, and Marvin Gaye. I'd love to hear what some of your favorite artists are, if you don't mine sharing, and I wish you a great semester!

    1. Hello Lewis. I don't mind sharing at all. Some of my favorite artists are Sam Cooke, Tina Turner, Fleetwood Mac, Bob Marley. The list goes on. I got to see Stevie Wonder back in 2015, it was a fantastic experience! I hope you have a great semester! Also, I would like to try your banana bread recipe.

  2. Hey there Daphne! Just as Lewis said I am in love with your dog! He is so cute and I found myself actually booping my screen. I found myself wanting to try knitting and crocheting as well. It all happened during quarantine especially when the patterns for Harry Styles cardigan. What kind of painting do you do? I am always in awe of people who are creative and can use their creativity to create art at any medium. I hope you enjoy this class and have a safe and wonderful semester!

    1. Hello Keana. I have not painted in a long time. I don't have a particular style, I kind of just go with my mood. Sometimes I would paint a landscape, or shapes. I would love to be able to paint animals but I am terrible at it. I hope you have a save and wonderful semester as well and begin to learn how to knit.

  3. Hi Daphne!

    I will also start off by saying I love your dog! I really have a soft spot for labs because I had a childhood friend who had a black lab named Deak. I couldn't have a dog of my own so he was "my" dog!

  4. Hey Daphne!
    I gotta first start by joining the bandwagon and saying how much I love Morty and how sad I am we will likely never meet in person! I was curious what a physician's assistant is actually? I have never heard the term before and would like to know more!I personally have never been a fan of horror films, but. I can definitely understand the appeal of writers like Stephen King. If you were to have to name some of your favorite books from different genres, what would they be? Praying for a wonderful semester!

    1. Hello Reid. I will be happy to answer your questions. A physician's assistant is a qualified medical professional who works under the supervision of a doctor. A PA can diagnose illness, prescribe medications and can serve as a principal healthcare provider. You have probably been seen or will be seen by one in your lifetime. Some of my favorite books are the Xanth novels by Piers Anthony, Ender's Game, and the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. I also read a lot of manga. I hope your semester goes well!

  5. Hey Daphne! Love the snazzy plants theme to your blog. I don't think potatoes are boring - they are probably the most diverse food out there. You can eat potatoes in so many forms, just think about it - baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fries, potato wedges. The list goes on and on. Anyway, good luck this semester studying biology. There seems to be a lot of you bio majors in this class...

  6. Hello Daphne!
    I have always been interested in science and like to look at upcoming breakthroughs and the like, but I have never been very good at science classes so props to you!
    I don't really like watching horror movies that much, although for some reason I do like American Horror Stories. I have never like to read books, but I could sit and read apple news or reddit articles all day. I also like potatoes, particularly mashed, and I have never tried Caribbean food, I guess I should someday!

  7. Hey Daphne! Nice to meet you :) I LOVE potatoes. Scalloped potatoes rock, and I love (all, but this one in particular) french fries that have that nice crispy outside but a soft inside. Have you tried the potato skins from the Mont? Those are good too. Side note: has it really been spelled ornery all this time? Why have I been saying it like on-ree for a whole different definition literally all my life...

  8. Hi Daphne! I am also a Biology major so I know how frustrating this past year has been with the hecticness of the world. I also enjoy watching horror movies, but I am kind of a scaredy cat, so I try to keep my view time to a minimum. If you like horror, I highly suggest the drama 'Sweet Home' that was recently added to Netflix. It is based off a webtoon and the setting is in South Korea and it is a captivating 10 episode series! I went through a baking phase when I was in middle school, but sadly didn't stick with it. Morty looks like such a sweet boy! I personally have three labs myself and they are just the cutest!

  9. Hi Daphne, nice to meet you! I really like the design you chose for your blog, and I love the picture of your dog. I’m in that personality class that you mentioned right now, and I also find it very interesting. It’s so applicable to daily life! I like to bake too, but I’ve never tried baking bread—that seems intimidating. Overall I prefer cooking to baking, although I do have a major sweet tooth. Looking forward to being in this class with you!

  10. That is so cool about the Personality class, Daphne! As a teacher, that is something I am really interested in because personality and motivation are very interconnected... and motivation is probably the most important thing for teachers to think about (both what motivates students and also what motivates us as teachers too!). I read an awesome book about personality a few years ago: Me, Myself and Us: The Science of Personality by Brian Little. His name might have come up in your class, and I thought the bookw as wonderful: it was informative and it was hilarious. I guess that's a personality thing, ha ha: I appreciated the sense of humor he used to share the science of personality.
    And it is so exciting to meet someone with a family connection to the Bahamas: how beautiful! I have been obsessing about Caribbean Anansi stories (I did an Anansi book last fall: link), and now I am working on a Brer Rabbit book, including "Rabby" stories from the Bahamas (like from this book: link). If you get a chance, ask your dad if he has a favorite B'Rabby story! I would seriously love to know! I'm working on the Brer Rabbit book right now, and I hope to publish it in May. The Brer Rabbit stories from Georgia in the United States are so famous, and I am excited about including Rabby stories and other trickster rabbits from the Caribbean in the mix. Yay trickster rabbits!
    And yay dogs too: thank you for the nose-boop. We need all the boop energy we can get in the pandemic of 2021... :-)

  11. Hi Daphne!!
    Haha, the potato comment made me chuckle because I looove them too and my friends and boyfriend tease me endlessly for it. But I understand :) Also, I have three labs, and two are black labs, and Morty looks like my dog Tank's twin. It made me very nostalgic to see that picture! Finally, it's really cool that you like to bake and explore new projects too!

  12. Hi Daphne!
    First off, I love your dog! I always wanted to adopt a dog or a cat but I'm always busy and my parents refuse to own any pets. I love horror movies and anime too. My favorite horror movie right now is The Void. It has cosmic horror to it and so underrated. My favorite anime right now has to be Jujutsu Kaisen. I listen to almost everything too and honestly potatoes are so versatile and soo good. Tell Morty I said hi!

  13. Hi Daphne!
    Introduction to Personality sounds like a very intriguing class. I agree about pushing through the stressful year last year! Unprecedented is a word one could use to describe this past year. I would definitely count that as an accomplishment. I also love to bake. I stress bake, so everyone around me tends to get cookies shoved at them come finals week. I hope you have a great semester!

  14. Hi, Daphne. I like your writing style. You seem like a nice person who enjoys the simple things in life. I don't know if I've ever actually met someone with your name. All I can think of is... I'm sure you know what I'm thinking of. I did actually want to boop the nose of your dog, and I have a condition where I'm usually afraid of touching wet-looking noses. Thank you for helping me overcome my fear.

  15. Hi Daphne,
    I never knew that there was a class called Introduction to Personality and it sounds interesting. I definitely will be looking into personality theories just so I can learn more. You say one of your favorite things to do is to bake cakes, do you have a favorite cake? I do not have a favorite cake but I do have a favorite pie which is pumpkin. Also, I love your dog!!

  16. Hi Daphne!

    So fun that you're majoring in Biology! And the dream to be a PA is so admirable. I remember when I went to my orthopedic doctor I very rarely even spoke with my actual doctor but instead spoke mostly to the PA, who was super cool.

    Also I myself am a fan of horror movies! If you're looking for recommendations, Hereditary is one of my favorites! And your dog is soooo adorable! I used to have black lab as a kid and I can't help but think of him when I see your pup.

    1. "Hereditary" was a weird experience for me. For some reason my mom agreed to go watch it with me (she doesn't like horror movies), and while there were very disturbing moments, I didn't think it was very scary. I hope it's not because I'm a popcorn horror fan. I like symbolism and all that as much as the next guy. I gave the director another chance with "Midsommar" and had similar feelings. I guess he just likes to make me feel terrible.

  17. Hi Daphne! I am also a big connoisseur of all forms of the potato, so I don't think that's boring at all. Mashed, baked, fried, or chip form – I'm down lol. Your pup is also the cutest thing I've ever seen – what a cutie! Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  18. Hey Daphne! It's nice to finally meet you, it has been a long semester. I am also a biology major, that really cool you want to be a physicians assistant. I have never heard of Intro to Personality but I will definitely look into it. I am also a big fan of R&B and anime, whats your favorite R&B song? That's a very cute labrador by the way haha. I hope you have a great semester!


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